On1 photo raw 2018 remove halo
On1 photo raw 2018 remove halo

on1 photo raw 2018 remove halo

You should now see marching ants around the outside of the fringe on the original selection. The Load Selection dialog box will appear-check the Invert box and click OK, accepting the default Source and Channel options. To get rid of the halo this time, highlight Layer 1 in the Layers palette and then, from the main toolbar, choose Select > Load Selection. Once more, upon close inspection, it’s apparent that there’s a significant amount of edge fringing or halo along the mountain edge. Again, I made a composited image as in the previous example (Figure 2b). The sky in this image is uninteresting, so I’d like to add a more exciting background. To illustrate this method, I selected an early-morning image of the Garden Wall in Glacier National Park (Figure 2a). Figure 1d is the completed composited image after defringing. (I haven’t noticed any marked difference in using higher values on any images that I’ve worked with, but that shouldn’t deter you from experimenting on your own with other values.) Figure 1c shows a close-up comparison of the mountain ridge before and after the Defringe tool has been used. An option dialog box will appear to offer a choice of how many pixels to use for Defringing. To remove this edge fringe, the foreground layer is selected (in this example, Layer 1) then, from the main toolbar, choose Layers > Matting > Defringe. Before attempting any fix, I zoom in on the fringed edge so that I can really see the problem and how the solution is working. In this example, the composite looks great, but sure enough on closer inspection, there’s a distracting halo along the mountain spine that makes the image appear unrealistic.

on1 photo raw 2018 remove halo

The only thing that I’ll mention is that the method utilized to make the selection seems to have little or no bearing on whether or not a resulting halo will be present.

#On1 photo raw 2018 remove halo how to#

I won’t spend any time discussing how to make a selection or place it over a new background-if you’ve experienced edge fringing, then you already know how to accomplish these tasks. The composited image, with new sky background, is shown in Figure 1b. Figure 1a is a rather simple shot of Fisher Cap Lake in Glacier National Park, but the sky is pretty boring, so I’d like to spruce it up a little by adding a more interesting sky. It’s particularly useful where there’s not a lot of detail in the selection, such as a distant mountain ridge. This method is quick and is the one I go to first. Let’s look at how I attack this problem using Photoshop CS4 on a variety of images, going from simple to more intensive methods. Depending on the nature and complexity of the particular selection, it may be necessary to employ more than one fix.

on1 photo raw 2018 remove halo

Some of these fixes are straightforward and simple, while others may not be as intuitive but can give excellent results, especially where complicated selections are concerned, such as around hair or foliage.

On1 photo raw 2018 remove halo